Mr. A.G. Ashok B.A., LL.B., is heading Scorpion Group of Companies since 1983.
Scorpion Security Limited is a flagship company into 40 years of unblemished track record and it is the First ISO certified Security agency in the country. The Group is involved in a spectrum of business activities like security and safety systems, clearing and forwarding, housing projects, exports of Medicare items etc., He was holding various ex officio Government posts like member of Telecom / Telephone Advisory Committee and Railways Consultative Committee (Southern Region) and he was Chief Organizer for Tree Planting & Environment Protection Committee, Bangalore Cantonment and he was advisor to Industrial Security Consultants Association, Bangalore. He is also associated with many socio-economic organizations and sitting in various boards of NGOs.
He was awarded UDYOG RATTAN in 1991 from deputy Speaker of Lok Sabha and UDYOG PRAGATHI in 1994 By Governor of Karnataka. He was also selected for the ‘OUTSTANDING BUSINESSMAN AWARD’ by Crown Financial Ministries, USA in 2004. In 2016 and 2017 he attended National prayer breakfast meeting with U.S president Mr. Donald J Trump on invitation from White House Washington DC. He was appointed as state Coordinator for Kannada Development Authority between 2016 and 2021 by Govt of Karnataka. He was Nominated for the post of Vice Chairman (Equivalent to Minister of State rank) Karnataka State Minority Commission in 2019.